Football, NFL

Red Zone Woes Plague Falcons

NFL opening kickoff has finally come and passed. Last night we were treated with two of the better built teams in the NFL, and in all honesty, it was kind of a disappointment. The game was full of dumb mistakes (running into kicker, lining up offsides, and questionable penalties). All in all, there were a… Continue reading Red Zone Woes Plague Falcons

Football, NFL

Falcons Frenzy : 2018 Season Opener

It's 2018 and welcome to this seasons first edition of Falcons Frenzy where we will cover areas of the Falcons and answer questions the people raise in the comments section. Without further ado, RISE UP! It's a new dawn, and the brotherhood shall rise again! I'll be honest, and I am not sure if it's… Continue reading Falcons Frenzy : 2018 Season Opener